Thursday, July 11, 2024

Shut Down Trump Megaphone

Keep Eye on Ball

In case you hadn't noticed, we are in the middle of a cold civil war. In a war, it's very important not to be distracted by the fog of war, which people like Steve "Flood the Zone with Shit" Bannon are adept at manufacturing. 

At this point we have one mission: Stop Trump. To achieve that mission, we need to achieve certain objectives. I think one of the most important objectives is to deny Trump his megaphone.

This is the reason why I think the CNN debate was such a disaster. He had an audience of millions, and he got to perform his schtick virtually unhindered. Do not do this again. Cancel the second debate.

Today was supposed to be sentencing day for Trump. It's not. I think he should go to jail, with as long a sentence as the guidelines permit. You do not want a successful appeal of the sentence.

You can't have a presidential candidate in jail, you say? Tell that to Eugene Debs. If it's good enough for a socialist, it's good enough for a fascist.

There are certainly other ways to undercut the Former Guy's ability to reach a large audience, all without breaking the law or committing any acts of violence. Find them. And then make them happen.

This is a war. It's not a tea party.

See also How the Ship Sinks, What a Cold Civil War Feels Like, Hope Hicks Is Sick, Little Karl, What Happened in Ferrara?

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