Monday, November 7, 2022

Art Meets Sewage

An Odd Couple Just Turned a Parking Lot into a Destination

The end of summer strikes me as a happy time in Asbury Park. There are the events we look forward to, such as PorchFest and SeaHearNow. And then there is the occasional surprise, like the sprouting of a new wall of murals on the south side of the city's sewage treatment plant, just a few steps from the boardwalk.

On my walks, I enjoyed watching the artists at work, and it struck me that they were happy as well. And the results are impressive. 

This one is my favorites. You can't see them here, but she's wearing inline skates.

The title on this one is The Wizard, but I think he's actually the very latest take on Tillie.

Flower for Ukraine. I always find myself lingering in front of this one,

Here's a large horizontal piece. Nice variation from the verticals and squares

And here is a wide shot over the grassy berm that largely obscures the parking lot from the street, showing how the murals work with the plant, the apartment tower and - of course - the sky.

See also City of Lights.